Friday, March 30, 2012


One thing that is part and parcel of being a teacher is illness.  My cute little kids are veritable germ incubators with still-developing hygiene habits and a penchant for touching EVERYTHING.  So, after six miraculous months without so much as a cold, I got bronchitis about two weeks ago.

After about 3-4 days of incessant bone-rattling coughing, I finally went to an urgent care facility.  The nurse practitioner handed me a diagnosis of bronchitis, as well as a laundry list of medications (oral steriods, inhaler, nose spray and allergy medicine).  After a $30 co-pay and around $84 worth of medicine later, I thought I was back on the road to health.

I headed back to work, still hacking up my lungs but thoroughly convinced that the medicine would kick in anytime soon. didn't.  I temporarily felt better for about three days, and then the cough became unbearable.  My chest ached and I was shaky and having a hard time breathing.

After a miserable half-day at school today, a couple of co-workers insisted that I leave and see a doctor.  Finally, I went to my primary care physician in downtown Austin.  After taking my temperature (101 degrees) and listening to my chest for a couple of minutes, she said I still had severe bronchitis.  I received a breathing treatment, two shots and more prescrption medications.  The damage this time was a $30 co-pay and $75 for the meds.  Next month, I'll get the bill for the neb treatment and shots. 

I spent around $219 in two weeks for medical care.  Ouch.  And yet, I am thankful.  Thankful for insurance which makes treatment relatively affordable.  Thankful that I didn't have to visit an emergency room.  And most of all, I'm thankful that I have the savings and flexibility in my budget for emergencies such as this.  This $219 is just a little financial hiccup.  I work at a mostly low-income school; I know that many of my parents (and students) forgo doctor's visits because they cannot afford it. 

So, this weekend I'm relaxing and meditating on my good fortune.  Hope you all have an enjoyable weekend!


  1. I am so happy to hear that you went (on both occasions) and grateful to know that healthcare is still (relatively) affordable on both instances. Rest up and be well. I have been fortunate this season to only have had a touch of the flu (even after my flu shot) because you are certainly right and being around those little incubators you can reduce and sanitize but not entirely avoid contact. I am sneezing like crazy when I go outside in certain areas and even if it is an allergy to an agent or the sun I am blessed not to have had any expenses for either and reflecting on that feels just as good if not better than basking in the sun.

  2. Thank you, I am already on the road to recovery. I've been sneezing too--I think allergies are exacerbating the bronchitis. Fingers crossed that you continue to be healthy!
