Monday, April 16, 2012

Confession: I Binge-Spent this Weekend.

I was reading a post from one of my favorite personal finance blogs, the Well Heeled Blog.  The blogger recently composed a post on two different camps of savers: those who abstain from buying, and those who resolve to buy in moderation. 

I would say that in many respects, I am a classic abstainer.  Though I have my buying weaknesses (restaurant food, coffee and clothes) I've abstained from many things.  I went on a five month shoe and clothing diet.  I've nearly cut out all fast food (though C. and I still dine out on the weekends), and I'm going on my second week of eating pb&j for lunch.  I haven't been to Starbucks in months--I think I've become allergic to paying $4 or more for coffee.

Abstaining from buying makes me feel good.  I feel a sense of self-control.  I like seeing the numbers in my savings account increase, and the satisfaction of knowing that I can earmark my money for larger goals (buying things for the new apartment, vacations, etc).  Conversely, I worry that if I yield and spend money on one little extra thing, it will lead to a chain reaction of consumption and financial disaster.

But like the too-restrictive dieter who one day finds him/herself knee deep in a sea of junk food, I broke my spending diet and binged this past weekend.

On Friday, I went to happy hour with some co-workers.  I bought a margarita (almost unheard of for me) and split an entree.  On Saturday after tutoring at school, I plunked down $25 for a bright sundress from Target.  Though I certainly do not need more sundresses, I couldn't pass it up.  I also ate lunch at Target, a flatbread sandwich and drink.  After my eye exam that same afternoon, I promptly got on the internet and paid $79 for four boxes of contacts (which I need) and $51 for a new pair of glasses (which I don't need).

And then on Sunday, the beau took me to Ikea--mystical wonderland of inexpensive Swedish goods-- so we could get ideas for the apartment.  C. was the voice of reason--while I pleaded to buy various items such as a coffee table, bookshelf and wine rack, he urged me to write the information down.  After we measure the apartment, we will buy furniture, he assured me.  He urged me to curb my impulses with a smaller purchase.  So I bought a shoe organizer, canvas totes, and some fancy paper holder thingies for $26.

I do not like to pay retail for items, and I do not like to purchase things without careful consideration and a specific purpose in mind.  And while I did get awesome bargains on the contacts and glasses, and while I'm sure I'll find SOME use for the Ikea items I purchased, I still feel like I spun out of control. 

I'm back on the "straight and narrow"--chastened by my shrinking bank account, I spent $5 on pantry items and bread for meals this week.  I'm back to eating pasta and pb&j.  And knowing that in six weeks, I am moving and making changes in my profession, I am happy to abstain.  I just hope I can find a happy medium between spending and savings so I don't binge again....

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